One of our favorite places to vacation during the winter is Jackson Hole, Wyoming. If you like to ski or climb, then surely this must be heaven. And after a long, hard day breaking trail, a healthy, heardy meal and a home crafted beer at the Snake River Brewery can't be beat. It's where the locals hang out. Oh yeah, don't forget to set your watch to "Jackson Hole Time"..If you don't know what this means, just ask the waitress!
Also, don't miss visiting the National Elk Refuge just north of Jackson Hole. The arch in the town square is comprised of thousands of elk horns. There is one on each of the 4 corners. You can take a sleigh ride into the refuge and get inside the herd sometimes numbering in the hundreds. More info can be seen at Elk Refuge Sleigh Rides.
I suddenly think a return trip to this magical place is in order!!!